RBFD Appreciates Local Support - Marine Unit One Needs Donations of Equipment


The membership of the Red Bank Fire Department appreciates the local support of our call for donations to Marine Unit One and Underwater Recovery Team. Channing Irwin and Irwin Marine answered the call with a donation of life jackets. All support of gear or donations are appreciated. This is a great start but there are additional needs. 

For those able to support this call for needed equipment, there are a few ways to do so. While monetary donations are welcome, equipment is as well. All equipment is welcome but some specific requests include: 

- Rope - Anchor - Buoys - Lifejackets - Electronics

- All Working / Well Conditioned Maritime Equipment

- Kayak(s)

If you can help, please email: 

rbfdchief@redbanknj.org  / rbfddeputy1@redbanknj.org  /  rbfddeputy2@redbanknj.org

Or, inquire using the CONTACT US tab on this website.